When should you say yes?

It’s time to step out of our comfort zones, when we’re challenged to do more, and that opportunity inspires us to be more.

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Do a good job!

Do a good job on whatever project you’re doing and no matter for whom.

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S1E9: On Transparency with Urvi Doshi Sood

Do the best job you can and be open about what you need.

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S1E8: Creating a Career & Life You Love — Gloria Larson

Be clear-eyed about the opportunity to move things forward.

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What to do when you make a mistake?

It’s so important to learn that you shouldn’t procrastinate. You need to go live as soon as you possibly can.

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That’s not how life works!

You can be ambitious, you can be focused on the future. But you also have to be really clear eyed about what’s happening to you now.

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