S1E12: Creating a Career and Life You Love with DeDe Halfhill

We need to be more comfortable with our vulnerability, so it can support us doing the things we need to do at work.

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Fears and feeling as a leader

A leader must spend a reasonable amount of time attending to fears and feelings.

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Self trust, personal strength and quiet confidence

Self trust is really reliant and depended on the moments we did well. When you have self trust, it gives you a level of quiet confidence.

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S1E11: On Leadership with DeDe Halfhill

Practice growing self trust in different areas.

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How to conquer high stress crunch time at work?

Acknowledging progress by celebrating small wins and bringing you heart and humanity to the job.

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S1E10: Creating a Career & Life You Love — Urvi Doshi Sood

Try to do something whether it's big or small everyday. It's important to make sure you are taking care of yourself

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