DeDe Halfhill

Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach & Former Air Force Colonel

DeDe Halfhill, a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and internationally sought-after keynote speaker, embodies the essence of transformative leadership with over 25 years of military experience, serving as a senior advisor to top-ranking officials.

She underscores the crucial role of authentic team connections in our rapidly evolving world, recognizing that a leader's ability to nurture these bonds is pivotal for future success.

DeDe's global reputation as a trusted advisor is evident through her work with industry giants like Cisco, Barron's, Capital One, Lockheed Martin and Salesforce. Her message resonates with leaders, emphasizing the enrichment of traditional leadership skills with human-centric qualities like empathy, communication, and inclusivity, offering a balanced approach for forward-thinking leaders.

DeDe's speaking engagements combine inspiration and practical wisdom, vividly illustrating the transformative potential of transparent and inclusive leadership. Her sought-after insights draw from her experiences, including two deployments to Iraq, where she commanded and advised organizations in challenging environments. As a senior advisor to the U.S. Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, she played a pivotal role in addressing pressing military issues.

DeDe's candid approach to leadership has earned her recognition in esteemed outlets, such as a feature in Brené Brown's New York Times bestseller, Dare to Lead, and an appearance on 60 Minutes, continuing to inspire leaders on their own transformative journeys.